Kingdom Budgeter

Kingdom Budgeter

So the story behind the creation of my Kingdom Budgeter really did not have anything to do with sales or making money. What you see now is way removed from what I began with. 

My story is that I had my son early in life while attending university and I simply wanted to provide for him. Right from school I did not have the most amazing job but I did not want to make anyone responsible for my son. My child; My responsibility. So I became more and more disciplined and I really loved being his parent, so I did my best to take care of him.

As the years passed, I got better jobs but I still had to manage my money well as my son was growing. By the time I got married, I wanted to be able to track my family's finances well as we really did not have a lot. One time, I miscalculated our money and it was a horrible feeling. I felt like I failed.

I was determined not to make that mistake again, so I moved from budgeting on a piece of paper to an automated system. I began planning my finances a year ahead, and even though sometimes I had to make changes to what was plan, I had a plan to start with.

So that is the simple backstory to the Kingdom Budgeter. Next blog, I'll tell you why I named it the Kingdom Budgeter. What you can be assured of, is that you are not only buying some online file someone is selling, you are purchasing a more secure future for your family and that is admirable!

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